

2016-04-17 林苑 上海语言学通讯

Translation and Transmission Conference

June 1–4, 2017

University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

The Foundation, in consultation with all the partners, sponsors, conference steering committee members, and speakers from the 2014 Translation & Transmission Conference is proud to announce the second conference in the Translation & Transmission Series, which will take place June 1-4, 2017 in Boulder, Colorado. In light of the universal support and positive feedback we received for the previous conference, we feel that it is important to continue the conversation and community building that the 2014 conference facilitated.


The purpose of this conference series is to provide an international forum for sustained dialogue and the sharing of ideas and experiences, as well as for collective reflection on the larger cultural and societal dimensions of the transmission of Tibetan Buddhism to the contemporary sphere. This conference is not a showcase for any single project or institution but an opportunity for all to gather in an open and collegial spirit.


In the spring of 2017 the conference will convene in the heart of Boulder, Colorado, at the Glenn Miller Ballroom, University Memorial Center, June 1st through 4th, 2017


Keynote Speakers

Day 1:   Susan Bassnett (Warwick)

Day 2:  Jan Nattier (Washington)

Day 3:  José Cabezón (UCSB)



Translators  -  Day 1

1.   Janet Gyatso (Harvard)

2.  Anne Klein (Rice University, Dawn Mountain)

3.  Wulstan Fletcher (Padmakara, Tsadra)

4.  Karl Brunnholzl (Nitartha Institute, Nalandabodhi)


Translating  -  Day 2

1.   Kurtis Schaeffer (University of Virginia)

2.  Thupten Jinpa (Institute of Tibetan Classics)

3.  Elizabeth Napper (Tibetan Nuns Project)


Translations  -  Day 3

1.   John Canti (84000, Padmakara)

2.  Tom Yarnall (AIBS, Columbia, Tibet House US)

3.  David Kittelstrom (Wisdom Publications)

4.  Sarah Harding (Tsadra Foundation & Naropa University)


Workshop presenters are still to be invited but will include more than 32 other translators and specialists in Tibetan language.


The program schedule is still being planned and announcements will be made as soon as possible. Please sign up to receive the conference newsletter if you plan to attend or would like more information about the conference.


Registration will open online in Summer 2016.


If you or your organization wishes to donate to the conference effort or become a sponsor of the conference, please contact Marcus@tsadra.org.

John Canti  (Padmakara Translation Group & 84000)

Wulstan Fletcher  (Padmakara Translation Group & Tsadra Foundation)

Holly Gayley  (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Sarah Harding  (Naropa University & Tsadra Foundation)

Thupten Jinpa  (Institute of Tibetan Classics)

Anne Klein  (Rice University & Dawn Mountain)

Marcus Perman  (Tsadra Foundation)

Andrew Quintman  (Yale University)

Kurtis Schaeffer  (University of Virginia)

Tom Yarnall  (Columbia University & AIBS)

Co-sponsored by:

The American Institute of Buddhist Studies

Columbia University Center for Buddhist Studies

Tibet House US

Tibet Himalaya Initiative at CU Boulder

Shambhala Publications


with the support of:

Naropa University and the University of Colorado, Boulder



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