
有声书 | Peter Pan (彼得·潘) -05

2017-10-27 英语有声书


书名:Peter Pan



往期回听 | Peter Pan

有声书 | Peter Pan(彼得·潘)-01

有声书 | Peter Pan(彼得·潘)-02

有声书 | Peter Pan (彼得·潘)-03

有声书 | Peter Pan (彼得·潘)-04

点此收听 今日连载 | Peter Pan · 第五章


The Underground Home

The Underground Home is a secret place. No one knows where it is. It is a happy, warm place. There is only one room with a big fireplace①.Tinker Bell has her tiny② room too.

Wendy is a perfect mother. She cooks and sews for everyone. She also tells beautiful bedtime stories. The Lost Boys are happy because they finally have a mother. John and Michael are happy because there is a new adventure③ everyday.

Peter Pan is a perfect father. He brings home food and protects the family.

Wendy and Peter play with the children and laugh with them.

But one night something happens. Wendy tells the children this bedtime story:

"In the big city of London there are two parents.They are very sad because they cannot find their three children. Every night they leave the nursery window open. They wait and wait for their children toreturn. But they don't return. Poor parents! They are very sad without their children." "Oh, Wendy, this is the story of our parents," saysJohn.

"Yes, it is," says Michael.

Peter listens and says, "Sometimes parents forgettheir children and other children take their place."

Wendy is very surprised. "Oh, no!" she says! "Perhaps there are other children in our beds! John, Michael we must go home!"

"Do we really have to?" ask John and Michael.

"Yes, we've got toreturn home."

The Lost Boys are sad and say, "Oh, Wendy, please don't leave us!"

"Don't be sad.You can come and live with us in London," says Wendy.

"Oh, how wonderful!" the Lost Boys say."We can have a real family." They jump up and down with joy. They dance around the room.

But Peter is not happy. He is very serious and says,"I'm not coming With you to London. I don't want to grow up. I want to bea boy forever."

Everyone says goodbye to Peter.

Outside, the pirates are waiting for them! The children come out of the underground home and the pirates capture⑥ them,Then they take them to the Jolly Roger. They don't make any noise. Peter doesn't know where they are.

He is sad without Wendy, lohu, Michael and the Lost Boys. He sits and thinks.

"Tap⑦, tap, tap!" There is someone at the door. "Who is it?" asks Peter.

He can hear the sound of little bells and opens the door.

Tinker Bell flies in and says, "The pirates have got Wendy, John, Michael and the Lost Boys! They are in danger⑧.Let's help them."

"I must save them. Come Tink, let's go to the folly Roger! This time I must attack Hook!"

fireplace:: 壁炉。

tiny : 极小的。

adventure : 奇遇。

take their place : 取代他们。

we’ve got to :我们必须。

capture: 捕获。

Tap: 轻敲的声音。

in danger:有危险。


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The end



