
有声书 | 哈姆雷特 01









 William Shakespear

今日连载 | 哈姆雷特 01


Part One: The Ghost

One night, at Elsinore Castle in Denmark, two guards see a ghost.


'It looks liked① King Hamlet.'


'But it can't be! King Hamlet is dead!'


'We must tell Horatio, Prince Hamlet's friend. Perhaps the Ghost wants to give a message② to the Prince.'


The next night, Horatio stays to watch with the guards. The Ghost appears again. It is wearing the same armour③ as the old king.


'What do you want? Speak to us!'


'It refuses④ to speak!'


'I shall tell the Prince. Perhaps the Ghost will speak to him.'


'This is a bad sign. Something sinister⑤ is happening in Denmark.'


Prince Hamlet is very sad. His father, the King, is dead. Gertrude, his mother, has married Claudius, his father's brother. Claudius has become the new king. Hamlet does not like his uncle.


'It is time to think about the future. I shall be a father to you and you will be king after me, Hamlet.'


'Stay here with us. Do not to back to the university⑥ . We love you, Hamlet.'


'I love, madam.' My father was a better man than Claudius.My mother was weak and foolish to marry my uncle.


Horatio comes to tell Hamlet about the Ghost. Horatio has studied for many years with the Prince at the university. He is Hamlet's best friend and the Prince trusts⑧ him completely.


'I hate this place,Horatio.My uncle and my mother are so happy.How can they forget my father so soon?'


'My lord,I saw your father last night.'


'What do you mean?'


'Come to the castle walls at midnight, above the cliff⑨? Then,you'll understand...'


Hamlet sees the ghost of his father. It signals⑩ him to follow.


'I am your father's spirit. If you ever loved me, revenge my murder!'




'My wife, Gertrude, was unfaithful⑪ to me. My brother, Claudius, murdered me. WhileI was sleeping in my garden, he poureds⑫ poison⑬ in my ear.'


'The sun is rising. I must go. Hamlet, remember me...'


Hamlet does not know what to do. Perhaps the Ghost is telling lies⑭ .


'I shall pretend to be⑮ mad.Nobody will pay attention to⑯ a poor crazy prince.I shall investigate my father's death.'


'If the Ghost's story is true,I shall kill my uncle.'


① looks like: 看起来像。

② message: 信息。

③ armour: 盔甲。

④ refuses: 拒绝。

⑤ sinister: 不详的。

⑥ university: 大学。

⑦ obey: 遵从。

⑧ trusts: 信任。

⑨ cliff: 悬崖,绝壁。

⑩ signal: 指示

⑪ unfaithful: 不忠的。

⑫ pour: 倒。

⑬ poison: 毒药。

⑭ telling lies: 说谎。

⑮ pretend to be: 假装。

⑯ pay attention to: 注意,留意。


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图片 | 网络

编辑 | 孟一凡

比心心 嗷~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

