
有声书 | 秘密花园 05






The Secret Garden




Hodgson Burnett

往期回听 | 秘密花园

有声书 | 秘密花园 01

有声书 | 秘密花园 02

有声书 | 秘密花园 03

有声书 | 秘密花园 04

今日连载 | The Secret Garden 05

The Secret Garden

Chapter Five: Colin

“I’m Colin, Mr. Craven’s son,” said the boy.


“Then I must be your cousin,” Mary said. “Don't you know that I came to live here?”


“No,” he answered. “No one told me.”


“Why?” asked Mary.


“Because I am afraid that people will see me. I won't let people see me and talk about me.”


“Why?” asked Mary. She felt more puzzled① with each moment that passed.” “Because I’m always ill, and I must stay in bed. The servants are not allowed to speak about me. My father won't let anyone mention② me. He’s afraid I'll grow up③ to have a crooked back. My father hates me because my mother died when I was born.”


“Have you always been here? ” asked Mary.


“Nearly always,” said Colin. “If I go out, people stare at④ me, and I hate it.” “If you don't like people to see you,” Mary said, “shall I go away?”


“Oh, no!” Colin replied quickly. “You must stay and talk to me.”


Mary put her candle down on a table near the bed and sat on a chair. They talked for a long time. Colin wanted to know all about Mary and about her life at Misselthwaite. He told her how unhappy and lonely he was, even though he was given anything that he wanted.


“Everyone must do as I say,” Colin said. “I will be ill if they don't.”


“Do you think you will get well?" Mary asked.


“I don't suppose I will,” Colin answered. “No one believes I will live until I grow up. Let’s talk about something else. How old are you?”


“I’m ten, like you,” Mary said.


“How do you know I’m ten?” he asked.


“Because when you were born, your father locked the garden door and buried the key. It’s been locked for ten years,” Mary answered.


“What garden?” Colin asked.


“It was the garden Mr. Craven hates,” said Mary, nervously⑤. He locked the door. No one knew where he buried the key.”


“What’s the garden like?” Colin persisted.


“It’s been locked for ten years,” Mary said, carefully. She did not want him to know that she had found it. But it was too late to be careful. Colin was very excited at the idea of a hidden⑥ garden.


“I will make them open the door,” he said.


“Oh, no!” cried Mary. “Let’s keep it a secret. If they open the door, it will never be a secret again. If we find the door one day, we can go inside and no one will know about it except us.”


“I would like that,” said Colin. “I’ve never had a secret before.”


He was tired from talking, and as he fell asleep, Mary went quietly away.


①puzzled: 迷惑的。


③grow up: 长大成人。

④stare: 盯着。

⑤nervously: 紧张地。

⑥hidden: 隐藏的。


◆ 外刊共读资源群 

时代周刊 ◆纽约客 ◆ 四六级◆ BEC 经济学人合集 

◆ TED合集 ◆ 牛津书虫  ◆ 圣诞大礼包  ◆ 小王子  ◆ 纳尼亚   

小猪佩奇  漫威英雄电影  ◆ 走遍美国 ◆ 奥斯卡最佳动画  

◆ 彼·得潘  ◆美国英雄  ◆美国传奇故事 Zorro 风中奇缘 

◆ 欢乐洋节日 ◆ 亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士 ◆ 罗宾汉 

◆ 昔日的英国王室 王尔德

图片 | 网络

编辑 | 孟一凡

比心心 嗷~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~

