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They made many American friends there, and they had adapted to a Western lifestyle.When they moved to Priya, they had to re-learn Indian ways of living again. They found that people were speaking languages that they had not used for many years.Their daughter is now looking to find a more American community for them.While the majority of Priya’s residents come from India, Paul said the community welcomes people of all backgrounds. There are a few non-Indians who call Priya home.Carlos McCann is an 89-year-old WW II veteran. He has lived in the community for almost 20 years, long before it was purchased and remodeled to become a majority-Indian community.“Everything has sort of come together at this location- it’s like it’s the center of the world,” he said.I’m Phil Dierking. Young people come from around the world to work in Silicon Valley.Some, however, are struggling to find the best way to care for their aging parents.在硅谷工作的年轻人来自世界各地。而他们中的一些人正在努力寻找照顾年迈父母的最佳方式。  Increasingly, they are turning to “affinity” retirement communities.These are communities where older people from countries like India and China can live near, but not with, their adult children.越来越多的人转向“亲近”退休社区。这些社区的老人们来自印度和中国这样的国家,他们居住在子女附近但并不和他们住在一起。 These types of communities are a change from traditional Asian customs where parents and children normally live together.这些类型的社区与传统的父母和孩子通常生活在一起的亚洲风俗不同。  Asha RaoRane moved from India to be closer to her three daughters who had immigrated to San Francisco.阿莎·拉奥·拉内从印度移居到离她的三个女儿很近的地方,她们早先时候移民到了旧金山。  She said, “The children are so busy these days, they are all the time working, taking care of their kids, so we do not want to interfere in their lives.”她说:“这些孩子都很忙,她们一直在工作,照顾孩子,所以我们不想干涉她们的生活。”  Her daughters explored a traditional senior retirement community.But they had trouble finding one that their mother would fit into.Eventually, they found Priya Living, a retirement community for people with similar interests, such as yoga and meditation.她的女儿发现了一个传统的高级退休社区。但他们很难找到一个适合她们母亲的。最终,她们找到了“普利亚生活区”,这是个为有相似兴趣的人们,比如瑜伽和冥想等,而设计的退休社区。 Arun Paul is a real estate developer.He developed Priya Living as a place for his parents to live.His parents moved from Los Angeles four years ago and are still in a ground floor apartment.阿伦·保罗是位房地产开发商。他把“普利亚生活区”作为他父母居住的地方。他的父母四年前从洛杉矶搬出,一直住在地面公寓。 Paul said, “In living here in America, as the son of immigrants, I’ve realized that there’s very unique needs that immigrants have.”保罗说:“在美国生活,作为移民的儿子,我意识到移民有非常独特的需求。”  “The old system was based on a different time when women were in the house, really taking care, in many cultures, of their husband’s parents,” Paul said.“Obviously the role of women in society has changed globally.”保罗说:“旧制度建立在不同的时期,在很多文化中,当时的女人待在家中,照顾丈夫的父母。但很明显,全球女性在社会中的角色已经发生了变化。” For Bhagyashree RaoRane and her mother Asha, finding Priya Living has been a dream come true.对于浦那巴亚舒丽·拉奥·拉内和她的母亲阿莎而言,找到“普利亚生活区”代表梦想成真。  “We walked in and instantly it was like walking into an Indian community in India,” said RaoRane. “Even the building is painted the same color as so many of the buildings in India are painted.”拉奥·拉内说:“我们一进去,就像走进了印度当地的一个印度社区。甚至连建筑物的颜色都与印度许多建筑物的颜色相同。” Others are not so sure about this type of affinity communities.其他人对这类亲近社区并不十分肯定。  Nagendra Prasad, 62, and Manjula Neelakantaiah, 53, came from India to visit their daughter who works for Google.They have stayed at Priya for the two-month visit.来自印度的62岁的纳金德拉·普拉萨德和53岁的曼余拉·尼拉坎泰看望他们在谷歌工作的女儿。他们在普利亚待了两个月。 “Really, in the beginning we were surprised,” Neelakantaiah said. “In India the younger people, they definitely take care of the aged people.”尼拉坎泰说:“真的,一开始我们很惊讶。在印度,年轻人必须照顾老年人。”  For Dr. Byravan Viswanathan and his wife Lakshmi, the community is not a perfect fit.对于比拉凡·维斯瓦那坦博士和他的妻子拉克希米而言,社区并不是最佳选择。  They were born and raised in India but spent much of their adult lives in a small town in Pennsylvania. They made many American friends there, and they had adapted to a Western lifestyle.他们是在印度出生和长大的,但他们成年后的大部分时间都住在宾夕法尼亚州的一个小镇上。他们在那里结交了许多美国朋友,并适应了西方的生活方式。 When they moved to Priya, they had to re-learn Indian ways of living again. They found that people were speaking languages that they had not used for many years.Their daughter is now looking to find a more American community for them.当他们搬到普利亚时,他们不得不重新学习印度的生活方式。他们发现人们说的语言他们已经多年不用了。他们的女儿现在正在为他们寻找其他美国社区。 While the majority of Priya’s residents come from India, Paul said the community welcomes people of all backgrounds. There are a few non-Indians who call Priya home.普利亚的居民大部分来自印度,保罗说,社区欢迎各种背景的人。有几个非印度人把普利亚称为家。 Carlos McCann is an 89-year-old WW II veteran. He has lived in the community for almost 20 years, long before it was purchased and remodeled to become a majority-Indian community.卡洛斯·麦肯是一位89岁的二战老兵。他已经在社区生活了近20年,在该社区被收购以及改造称为印度人社区之前就生活在此。 “Everything has sort of come together at this location- it’s like it’s the center of the world,” he said.他说:“在这个地方,所有的东西都聚集在一起,就好像这是世界的中心一样。”  I’m Phil Dierking.菲尔·迪尔金报道。  往期精选: 为什么你说的英语,让别人不喜欢你? 史上最全的英式、美式英语对比图 - 美国政府用20张漫画总结了英音美音的区别! 2分钟视频,看看比尔·盖茨是如何读书的! 不知道这些语文学习方法的精髓,读的再多却拿不到高分! 2018中考英语1600词详解(含音标),初三生都在抢着背! 如何用英语优雅地吐槽别人?李小龙英文面试视频曝光,满满的男神范,简直帅到爆! 衡水中学最牛班主任:我只教8个方法,一半学生考进清华北大 【英语荐读】永别了,神翻译!麻辣烫、拉面都有了规范英文名了 130道动词填空题,玩转2018中考英语90%语法!(含答案) 期中考后班主任提醒:孩子做错题,真正的原因不是粗心,而是这4点! 【英语方法】短文改错看不出错儿?万能公式和答题口诀来了! 9类过渡词、30组同义表达,玩转2018中考英语写作! 英语要怎么学?初一到初三全面解析,让你的成绩节节攀升! 她因女儿打人被叫到学校,一番话却让所有人震惊羞愧 涨姿势:80句让你赞不绝口的双语谚语(收藏贴) 回复:绘本 免费领 | 100本最适合亲子阅读的经典绘本! 回复:老鼠 免费分享 | 86 Books 老鼠记者 电子书azw3+epub+PDF 回复:鹅妈妈 免费分享 | 最经典最全版鹅妈妈童谣合集(MP3+歌词) 回复:百科  免费资源领取 / 国家地理儿童百科 回复:安东尼 免费领/安东尼·布朗和他的绘本作品 回复: 迪士尼 免费领/迪士尼启蒙英语Disney Initiation  English共11碟(rmvb+双语字幕) 回复:卡由 免费领/【美音】英语启蒙动画片《卡由》(Caillou)共57大集(228小集) 回复:乔治与玛莎 免费领/George And Martha乔治与玛莎(PDF绘本+MP3音频) 回复:奥数 免费领 | 小学1-6年级《学而思》奥数完整教材,价值上万元的全套课程! 回复:贝贝熊 免费领/贝贝熊The Berenstain Bears(绘本+音频+动画) 回复:巴布 免费领/动画片《巴布工程师》Bob the builder共21集(中英双语可调+字幕) 回复:小猪小象 免费领丨小猪小象所有绘本+音频+视频集锦来了~下一套绝不吃亏! 回复:大象 免费领 | 花格子大象Elmer the Patchwork Elephant(英文版 共10本书) 回复:小考拉 免费领 | Penelope蓝色小考拉全网最全35集 (带srt英文字幕) 回复:人教版英语 免费领 |全套人教版英语(美籍教师教学片)(含小学一至六年级) 回复:领取英语资料  免费领| 从零基础到专业八级,500份英语资料免费送! 原著阅读群 喜欢我你就关注我 有话说你就评论我 都不干你就点个赞  Reward 长按二维码向我转账 受苹果公司新规定影响,微信 iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。 Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

