
学术会议 I 语言政策与规划跨学科研究国际会议征稿通知

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Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning 2024



前 言

The 2024 edition of the conference series Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning will be held at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). This marks a return to an in-person conference mode and, as such, the conference theme is 3D: Diversities, Discourses, and Digitalization. With this theme, we ask the following questions: How are diversities addressed by language policies? How is discourse used to design, interpret, implement and evaluate policies, on the one hand, and to investigate, understand, critique, and improve language policy and planning, on the other? And how does language policy and planning evolve in the digital contexts that make up our online environments?Language policy was developed as a field as nation states were forming in the postcolonial era of the 1950s. In the 1980s, it faced a period of severe criticism and reemerged as a critical and interdisciplinary field, tackling urgent language policy issues in the early 1990s, including new waves of nationalism, the growing presence of globalization, and the exponential growth of the Internet. Today, language policy and planning faces issues relating to online environments, digital texts, and contexts that have been dubbed “postnational” (Fornan, 2017), “superdiverse” (Blommaert and Rampton, 2011), and “post-multilingual” (Li Wei, 2018). In such a context, the importance of language policy to stave off the decline of Indigenous and minoritized languages and to protect the rights of diverse social groups seems critical, especially in an era when discourses rapidly become polarizing. This conference proposes three axes through which to interrogate the nature, contexts, and future of language policy: diversities, discourses, and digitalization.By “Diversities”, we refer to the complex and intersecting needs and rights of different languages and language groups in the 21st century. For example, in the Canadian context we consider “diversities” to refer not only to speakers of Canada’s two official languages but also to speakers of Indigenous languages and heritage languages. How can such diversities be addressed within a language policy approach? What is the role of language assessment and language policy and planning with respect to contemporary international mobility?By “Discourses”, we address the “discursive turn” whereby many disciplines within the social sciences have turned to the study of discourse to understand various social issues. The notion of “discourse” has been valuable for our understanding of how language issues come into existence, are discussed and incorporated into public agendas, debated and acted upon, and how language policies are implemented and evaluated. A growing body of language policy research has adopted discourse analytic approaches. How can and should discourse be addressed within a language policy and planning approach?By “Digitalization”, we address the increasingly complex online environment in which language is and can be planned and managed. In the past, where media systems were previously used to unify linguistic and social diversity and create a sense of national identity, today, digital communication has the potential to do the opposite. How can languages be managed, how can language rights be respected, and how can diverse needs be met in an online environment?



We welcome abstracts on the three conference themes, or any theme related to language policy and planning, such as (but not limited to):
  • Language assessment and policy
  • Language rights
  • Indigenous languages
  • Heritage languages
  • Official bilingualism
  • Multilingualism
  • Language acquisition
  • Language-in-education policies
  • Language documentation and revitalization
  • Language discrimination, linguicism
  • Language policy and identity
  • Language policies across national borders
  • Language policy in the digital age
  • Mother-tongue education planning and policy
Papers focusing on lesser researched languages and contexts are especially welcomed.Carleton University is located on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin nation. We acknowledge our responsibility to the Omàmiwininìwag (Algonquin Anishinaabeg) and our respect for Algonquin knowledge holders and to members of other Indigenous nations who call Ottawa home.As a field, language policy and planning also has a responsibility to address the role of language policies in historical and ongoing processes of colonialism. We welcome critical reflection on this complex topic as part of the conference.


The conference welcomes different submission formats:

  • individual presentations,

  • poster presentations

  • thematic panels or roundtables

Individual presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 10-minute question period. Abstracts for individual presentations should be 300 words max. (including possible references).

A block of time will be reserved in the conference program for poster presentations, when presenters will be able to discuss their research in progress, their fieldwork or their results. Posters are often presented in a visual format with individualized discussions. Abstracts for posters should be max. 300 words (including possible references).

We also invite thematic panels or roundtables that align with the main axes of the conference. For panels and roundtables, the proposal should include the general aims and rationale of the event (max. 300 words), as well as the names, affiliations and short abstracts (200 words) for each contribution. Panels and roundtables shouldn’t be more than 2 hours long.

The deadline for abstracts is October 31st, 2023. Abstracts should be submitted via the ConfTool platform https://www.conftool.com/lpp2024/. Abstracts will be accepted in English or French, but papers are welcome in various languages. In order to reach a larger audience, we ask participants presenting in other languages than French or English to include a visual support (for example, a PowerPoint presentation) in one of Canada’s official languages. The conference will feature Sign Language interpreters. Please email lppconference@carleton.ca if you require Sign Language interpretation, or if you have any other requirements or queries.

Please note: This conference will be exclusively in “3D” (i.e., in person, face-to-face). There will not be any option for attending or presenting virtually.

Conference email:   lppconference@carleton.ca

专 家 简 介


October 31 (abstract submission deadline)January 30 (notification of acceptance)March 1 (registration opens)May 15 (registration closes for conference participants)June 27-30 (conference)








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