
TED- 非典型非洲印象

2018-03-09 小芳老师


TED简介:2017 | TED研究员Wanuri Kahiu说,我们非常习惯叙述非洲地区的战争,贫穷和破坏。 乐趣在哪里? 介绍“AfroBubbleGum” - 非洲艺术充满活力,轻松和没有政治议程。 Kahiu解释了为什么我们需要艺术来捕捉人类的全部经验来讲述非洲的故事,因此重新思考一切不重要的东西的价值。

演讲者JuWanuri Kahiu





So, my mother's a pediatrician, and when Iwas young, she'd tell the craziest stories that combined science with heroveractive imagination. One of the stories she told was that if you eat a lotof salt, all of the blood rushes up your legs, through your body, and shootsout the top of your head, killing you instantly.


She called it "high bloodpressure."


This was my first experience with sciencefiction, and I loved it. So when I started to write my own science fiction andfantasy, I was surprised that it was considered un-African. So naturally, Iasked, what is African? And this is what I know so far: Africa is important.Africa is the future. It is, though. And Africa is a serious place where onlyserious things happen.


So when I present my work somewhere,someone will always ask, "What's so important about it? How does it dealwith real African issues like war, poverty, devastation or AIDS?" And itdoesn't. My work is about Nairobi pop bands th 44 33321 44 14939 0 0 768 0 0:00:43 0:00:19 0:00:24 3211at want to go to space or aboutseven-foot-tall robots that fall in love. It's nothing incredibly important.It's just fun, fierce and frivolous, as frivolous as bubble gum --"AfroBubbleGum."


So I'm not saying that agenda art isn'timportant; I'm the chairperson of a charity that deals with films and theatersthat write about HIV and radicalization and female genital mutilation. It'svital and important art, but it cannot be the only art that comes out of thecontinent. We have to tell more stories that are vibrant. The danger of thesingle story is still being realized. 


And maybe it's because of the funding. Alot of art is still dependent on developmental aid. So art becomes a tool foragenda. Or maybe it's because we've only seen one image of ourselves for solong that that's all we know how to create. Whatever the reason, we need a newway, and AfroBubbleGum is one approach. It's the advocacy of art for art'ssake. It's the advocacy of art that is not policy-driven or agenda-driven orbased on education, just for the sake of imagination: AfroBubbleGum art.


And we can't all be AfroBubbleGumists. Wehave to judge our work for its potential poverty porn pitfalls. We have to havetests that are similar to the Bechdel test, and ask questions like: Are two ormore Africans in this piece of fiction healthy? Are those same Africansfinancially stable and not in need of saving? Are they having fun and enjoyinglife? And if we can answer yes to two or more of these questions, then surelywe're AfroBubbleGumists.


And fun is political, because imagine if wehave images of Africans who were vibrant and loving and thriving and living abeautiful, vibrant life. What would we think of ourselves then? Would we thinkthat maybe we're worthy of more happiness? Would we think of our sharedhumanity through our shared joy? 


I think of these things when I create. I thinkof the people and the places that give me immeasurable joy, and I work torepresent them. And that's why I write stories about futuristic girls that riskeverything to save plants or to race camels or even just to dance, to honorfun, because my world is mostly happy.



And I know happiness is a privilege in thiscurrent splintered world where remaining hopeful requires diligence. But maybe,if you join me in creating, curating and commissioning more AfroBubbleGum art,there might be hope for a different view of the world, a happy Africa viewwhere children are strangely traumatized by their mother's dark sense of humor,


but also they're claiming fun, fierce andfrivolous art in the name of all things unseriously African. Because we'reAfroBubbleGumists and there's so many more of us than you can imagine.


Thank you so much.(Applause)




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