

2018-03-12 小芳老师


TED简介2009 | 心理学家Philip Zimbardo说我们大部分人都忽略了幸福和成功的来源:那就是我们观望过去、面向现在和展望未来。要想改善生活质量,他建议我们首先要调整时间观念。



I want to share with you some ideas aboutthe secret power of time, in a very short time.


Video: All right, start the clock please.30 seconds studio. Keep it quiet please. Settle down. It's about time. Endsequence. Take one. 15 seconds studio. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four,three, two ...

视频:好的,开始计时。30秒倒计时保持安静。注意时间。结束倒计时。15秒倒计时 10,9,8,7 6,5,4,3,2......

Philip Zimbardo: Let's tune into theconversation of the principals in Adam's temptation. "Come on Adam, don'tbe so wishy-washy. Take a bite." "I did." "One bite, Adam.Don't abandon Eve." "I don't know, guys. I don't want to get introuble." "Okay. One bite. What the hell?" (Laughter)

Philip Zimbardo: 让我们来看看这段对话是有关“亚当的诱惑” 。快,亚当,别磨磨唧唧的,就咬一口,我已咬过了 就一口,亚当。不要放弃夏娃 我不知道啊 我真的不想惹麻烦 好吧,就一口。能怎么样? (笑声)

Life is temptation. It's all aboutyielding, resisting, yes, no, now, later, impulsive, reflective, present focusand future focus. Promised virtues fall prey to the passions of the moment.


Of teenage girls who pledged sexualabstinence and virginity until marriage -- thank you George Bush -- themajority, 60 percent, yielded to sexual temptations within one year. And mostof them did so without using birth control. So much for promises.

那些承诺婚前无性行为的女孩——这里感谢下小布什总统,大多数,大概百分之六十的人在一年之内就违背了自己的承诺。而这些人几乎没采取任何“安全措施” 。多么多的承诺啊。

Now lets tempt four-year-olds, giving thema treat. They can have one marshmallow now. But if they wait until theexperimenter comes back, they can have two. Of course it pays, if you likemarshmallows, to wait. What happens is two-thirdsof the kids give in totemptation. They cannot wait. The others, of course, wait. They resist thetemptation. They delay the now for later.

现在我们来试试引诱4岁的孩子,拿他们来做个试验他们现在有一个棉花糖,如果他们能够等到实验员回来再吃的话,就可以得到2个棉花糖这当然是需要付出的,如果你真喜欢吃棉花糖的话,那就等着但结果是3分之2的孩子屈服于诱惑他们等不了。当然,其它的孩子都得到了第二个棉花糖因为他们抵抗了诱惑。他们甘于先苦后甜。(本文提到的实验,戳链接👉:TED | 成功的关键:别急吃棉花糖

Walter Mischel, my colleague at Stanford,went back 14 years later, to try to discover what was different about those kids.There were enormous differences between kids who resisted and kids who yielded,in many ways. The kids who resisted scored 250 points higher on the SAT. That'senormous. That's like a whole set of different IQ points. 


They didn't get in asmuch trouble. They were better students. They were self-confident anddetermined. And the key for me today, the key for you, is, they werefuture-focused rather than present-focused.


So what is time perspective? That's whatI'm going to talk about today. Time perspective is the study of howindividuals, all of us, divide the flow of your human experience into timezones or time categories. And you do it automatically and non-consciously. 


They vary between cultures, between nations, between individuals, between socialclasses, between education levels. And the problem is that they can becomebiased, because you learn to over-use some of them and under-use the others.

包括不同的文化背景、国家个人、社会阶层 以及不同的教育背景 问题是由于这些因素的存在,最终导致时间洞察力都具是片面的 因为你学会经常使用其中的一些,而其他的则被很少使用。

What determines any decision you make? Youmake a decision on which you're going to base an action. For some people it'sonly about what is in the immediate situation, what other people are doing andwhat you're feeling. And those people, when they make their decisions in thatformat -- we're going to call them "present-oriented," because theirfocus is what is now.


For others, the present is irrelevant. It'salways about "What is this situation like that I've experienced in thepast?" So that their decisions are based on past memories. And we're goingto call those people "past-oriented," because they focus on what was.


For others it's not the past, it's not thepresent, it's only about the future. Their focus is always about anticipatedconsequences. Cost-benefit analysis. We're going to call them"future-oriented." Their focus is on what will be.

还有一部分人,他们的考虑不是基于现在,也不是过去而是未来 他们专注于预期的结果 就像成本效益分析一样 我们称呼这些人为:展望未来。因为他们专注于将来会是怎么样的。

So, time paradox, I want to argue, theparadox of time perspective, is something that influences every decision youmake, you're totally unaware of. Namely, the extent to which you have one ofthese biased time perspectives. Well there is actually six of them. There are twoways to be present-oriented. There is two ways to be past-oriented, two ways tobe future. 


You can focus on past-positive, or past-negative. You can bepresent-hedonistic, namely you focus on the joys of life, or present-fatalist-- it doesn't matter, your life is controlled. You can be future-oriented,setting goals. Or you can be transcendental future: namely, life begins afterdeath. Developing the mental flexibility to shift time perspectives fluidlydepending on the demands of the situation, that's what you've got to learn todo.

你可以专注于“积极经历”或“消极经历”也可以专注于“享受现在”指的是你专注于生活中的快乐,或者自身宿命这些都无所谓,因为你的生活尽在掌握当然,你也可以“展望未来”,设定一个目标或者超越未来,指的是:生命在死后重新开始 通过增强精神灵活性来顺利地提升时间洞察力 这有赖于环境的需求 这就是你要学着去做的。

So, very quickly, what is the optimal timeprofile? High on past-positive. Moderately high on future. And moderate onpresent-hedonism. And always low on past-negative and present-fatalism. 

那么,什么是最佳的时间洞察力呢?高度依赖于“积极经历”,适度依赖于未来,适度依赖于”享受现在“,永远不考虑“消极经历”和“宿命论” 。

So theoptimal temporal mix is what you get from the past -- past-positive gives youroots. You connect your family, identity and your self. What you get from thefuture is wings to soar to new destinations, new challenges. What you get fromthe present hedonism is the energy, the energy to explore yourself, places,people, sensuality.

其实,最佳的时间洞察力是由你过去的经历 “积极经历”奠定了基础,你和你的家庭,独立自主 从未来得到是 值得奋斗的目标,新的挑战 从“享受现在”中得到的是动力 去探索自身 世界、他人以及原始需求。

Any time perspective in excess has morenegatives than positives. What do futures sacrifice for success? They sacrificefamily time. They sacrifice friend time. They sacrifice fun time. They sacrificepersonal indulgence. They sacrifice hobbies. And they sacrifice sleep. So itaffects their health. And they live for work, achievement and control. I'm surethat resonates with some of the TEDsters. (Laughter)


And it resonated for me. I grew up as apoor kid in the South Bronx ghetto, a Sicilian family -- everyone lived in thepast and present. I'm here as a future-oriented person who went over the top,who did all these sacrifices because teachers intervened, and made me futureoriented. 


Told me don't eat that marshmallow, because if you wait you're goingto get two of them, until I learned to balance out. I've addedpresent-hedonism, I've added a focus on the past-positive, so, at 76 years old,I am more energetic than ever, more productive, and I'm happier than I haveever been.


I just want to say that we are applyingthis to many world problems: changing the drop-out rates of school kids,combating addictions, enhancing teen health, curing vets' PTSD with timemetaphors -- getting miracle cures -- promoting sustainability andconservation, reducing physical rehabilitation where there is a 50-percent dropout rate, altering appeals to suicidal terrorists, and modifying familyconflicts as time-zone clashes.

这里,我只是想说:要应用这个原理去解决世界上的很多问题改变学校的退学率打击毒品,增强青少年健康用时间隐喻法治疗那些患有创伤后应激障碍的老兵——创造医学奇迹 促进可持续发展和保护,在具有50%退出率的医院内减缓身体康复,改变那些呼吁自杀的恐怖分子,将家庭矛盾转化为时间区域的冲突

So I want to end by saying: many of life'spuzzles can be solved by understanding your time perspective and that ofothers. And the idea is so simple, so obvious, but I think the consequences arereally profound. Thank you so much. (Applause)

最后我想说的是,如果真正理解自身的以及其他人的时间观点的话,生活中的许多困惑都会被解开。道理是简单且显而易见的,但结论是深奥的。谢谢! (掌声)



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