
TED学院 | 只需专注10分钟

小芳老师 2020-09-18





TED简介上一次您10分钟什么都不做是什么时候?处于在一个没有短信、交谈、或思考的状况下?心灵专注专家安迪普迪科姆(Andy Puddicombe)描述的变革能力,只需这么做:每天清爽大脑(心灵)十分钟,只需专注和感悟“现在”。

演讲者Andy Puddicombe




We live in an incredibly busy world .Thepace of life is often frantic , our minds are always busy and we’re alwaysdoing something .

So with that in mind ,i’d like you just to take a moment tothink ,when did you last take any time to do nothing ? Just ten minutes,undisturbed ? And when i say nothing , i do mean nothing .So that’s noemailing , no texting , no internet , no TV , no chatting , no eating , noreading ,not even sitting there reminiscing about the past or planning for the further . Simply doing nothing .I see a lot of very blank faces .(laughter.My thinking is ,you probably have to go a long way back .

And this is an extra ordinary thing ,right ? We are talking about our mind . The mind , our most valuable andprecious resource though which we experience every single moment of our life,the mind that we rely upon to be happy , content ,emotionally stable asindividuals , and at the same time to be kind and thoughtful and considerate inour relationships with others . This is same mind that we depend upon tobe  focused ,creative , spontaneous andto perform at our very best in everything that we do . And yet , we don’t takeany time out to look after it . In fact ,we spend more time looking after ourcars ,our clothes and our hair than we . --okay ,maybe not our hair ,but yousee where i’m going .   

The result ,ofcourse ,is that we get stressed . You know ,the mind whizzes away like awashing machine ,going round and round ,lots of difficult ,confusing  emotions ,and we don’t know how to deal withthat ,and the sad fact is that we are so distracted that we’re no longerpresent in the world in which we live . We miss out on the things that are mostimportant to us ,and the crazy thing is that everybody just assumes well ,thatis the way life is ,so we’ve just kind of got to get on with it . That’s reallynot how it has to be .   

So i was about11 when i went along to my first meditation class . And trust me ,it had allthe stereotypes that you can imagine , the sitting cross-legged on the floor ,the incense ,the herbal tea , the vegetarians , the whole deal ,but my mom wasgoing and i was intrigued , so i went along with her . I’d also see a few Kungfu movies ,and secretly i kind of thought i might be able to learn how to fly ,but i was very young at the time . Now as i was there , i guess , like a lotsof people , i assumed that it just was an aspirin for the mind . You get stressed,you do some meditation .   

I had notreally thought that it could be sort of preventative in nature until i wasabout 20 ,when a number of things happened in my life in quite quick  succession ,really serious things which justflipped my life upside down and all of a sudden i was inundated with thoughts,inundated with difficult emotions that i don’t know how to cope with . Everttime i sort of pushed one down , another one would just sort of pop back upagain . It was a really very stressful time .  

I guess we all deal with stress in different ways . Some people willbury  themselves in work ,grateful forthe distraction . Others will turn to their friends , their family ,looking forsupport . Some people hit the bottle ,start taking medication . My own way ofdealing with it was to become a monk . So i quit my degree , i headed off tothe Himalayas, i became a monk ,and i start studying meditation . 

People often ask me what i learned from that time . Well ,obviously it changes things . Let’s face it ,becoming a celibate monk is goingto change a number of things . But it was more than that . It taught me --itgave me a greater appreciation ,an understanding for the present moment . Bythat i mean not being lost in thought ,not being distracted ,not beingoverwhelmed by difficult emotions , but instead learning how to be in the hereand now , how to be mindful , how to be present . 

I think the present moment isso underrated . It sounds so ordinary , and yet we spend so little time in thepresent moment that it is anything but ordinary . There was a research paper that cameout of Harvard , just recently , that said on average our minds are lost inthought almost 47 percent of the time . Forty-seven percent . At the same time, this sort of constant “mind-wandering ” is also a direct cause of unhappiness. Now we’re not here for that long anyway , but to spend almost half of ourlife lost in thought , and potentially quite unhappy , dunno , it just kind ofseems tragic , actually , especially when there is something we can do about it, when there is a positive practical achievable ,scientifically proventechnique ,which allows our mind to be more healthy , to be more mindful andless distracted . And the beauty of it is that even though it need only takeabout 10 minutes a day ,it impacts our entire life . But we need to know how to do it . We needan exercise .we need a framework . To learn how to be more mindful . That’sessentially what meditation is . It is familiarizing ourselves with the present moment . But we also need toknow how to approach it in the right way to get the best from it . And that iswhat these are for , in case you have been wandering because most people assumethat the meditation is all about stopping thoughts , getting rid of emotions ,somehow controlling the mind ,but actually it’s quite different form that .It’s more about stepping back, seeing the thoughts clearly , witnessing itcoming and going , emotions coming and going , without judgment , but with a relaxed, focused mind .   

So for example , rightnow , if i focus too much on the bolls ,then there is no way that i can relaxand talk to you at the same time . Equally , if i relax too much talking withyou ,then there is no way i can focus on the bolls . I’m going to drop them.Now in life ,and in meditation , there’ll be times when the focus becomes alittle bit too intense and life start to feel a bit like this . It’s a veryuncomfortable way to live life when you get this tight and stressed . At other times, we might take our foot off the gas a little bit too much , and things justbecome a sort of little bit like this . Of course , the meditation , we aregoing to end un falling asleep . So we looking for a balance , a focusedrelaxation ,where we can allow our thoughts to come and go without all theusual involvement .  

Now what usuallyhappens when we’re learning to be mindful is that we get distracted by athought . Let’s say this is an anxious thought . So everything’s going fine ,and then we see the anxious thought and it like , “oh ,did not realize iwas  worried about that .”  You go back to it , repeat it , “oh ,i amworried . Oh,i really am worried . Wow ,there’s so much anxiety .” And beforewe know it , right ,we are  anxious aboutfeeling anxious . You know , this is crazy . We do this all the time even on aneveryday level . If you think about the last time ,you had a wobbly tooth . You know it’s wobbly ,and you know that ithurts . But what do you do every 20, 30 seconds? (mumbling) it dose hurt . And we reinforce the storyline, right? And we just keep telling ourselves , and we do it all the time .  

And it’s only in learning to watch the mindin this way that we can start let go of those storyline and patterns of mind .But when you sit down and you watch the mind in this way . You might see manydifferent pattens . You might find a mind that’s really restless and the wholetime . You know , don’t be surprised if you feel a bit agitated in your bodywhen you sit down to do nothing and your mind feels like that . You might finda mind that’s very dull .and boring, and it's just, almost mechanical,it justseems it's as if you're getting up, going to work, eat, sleep, get up, work. Orit might just be that one little nagging thought that just goes round and roundand round your mind.   Well , whatever itis , meditation offers the opportunity,the potential to step back and to get adifferent perspective to see that things are not always as they appear . Wecan’t change every little thing that happens to us in life but we can changethe way that we experience it . 

That’s the potential of meditation , ofmindfulness. You don’t have to burn any incense and you definitely don’t haveto sit on the floor . All you need to do is to take 10 minutes out a day tostep back ,to familiarize yourself with the present moment so that you get toexperience a greater sense of focus ,calm and clarity in your life . 

Thank youvery much 




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