
TED学院 | 如何用科技来改造人体?

小芳老师 2020-09-18


TED简介:2012 | Lucy McRae是一位人体建筑师,她想像出了许多将生物科学和科技结合到人体的方法。在这个极具视觉冲击的演讲中,她展示了许多作品,从服装到对流行歌星Robyn的音乐视频中体内改造,再到一颗能让你吃下后就散发甜蜜香气的药片。

演讲者Lucy McRae




I call myself a body architect. I trainedin classical ballet and have a background in architecture and fashion. As abody architect, I fascinate with the human body and explore how I can transformit.


I worked at Philips Electronics in thefar-future design research lab, looking 20 years into the future. I exploredthe human skin, and how technology can transform the body. I worked on conceptslike an electronic tattoo, which is augmented by touch, or dresses that blushedand shivered with light. 


I started my own experiments. These were the low-techapproaches to the high-tech conversations I was having. These are Q-tips stuckto my roommate with wig glue.


I started a collaboration with a friend ofmine, Bart Hess -- he doesn't normally look like this -- and we used ourselvesas models. We transformed our apartments into our laboratories, and worked in avery spontaneous and immediate way. We were creating visual imagery provokinghuman evolution.

我还跟我的朋友,巴特·赫斯,合作过。他平常不是这样的——我们把自己当作模特,我们把我们的公寓改造成了实验室,这样就能相当随意地随时实验我们的新想法 。我们现在正在创作视觉图像来表现人类进化。

Whilst I was at Philips, we discussed thisidea of a maybe technology, something that wasn't either switched on or off,but in between. A maybe that could take the form of a gas or a liquid. And Ibecame obsessed with this idea of blurring the perimeter of the body, so youcouldn't see where the skin ended and the near environment started. 


I set up mystudio in the red-light district and obsessively wrapped myself in plumbingtubing, and found a way to redefine the skin and create this dynamic textile. Iwas introduced to Robyn, the Swedish pop star, and she was also exploring howtechnology coexists with raw human emotion. And she talked about how technologywith these new feathers, this new face paint, this punk, the way that weidentify with the world, and we made this music video.

我还在红灯区建立了自己的工作室,然后不可抑制地用管子缠满了自己的身体,然后我发现这可以重新定义肌肤,并且也是一种动态的纺织品。然后我被介绍给罗宾,一位瑞典的歌星,她也在探索着怎样使科技与我们的原始情感巧妙结合的方法。然后她跟我说了怎样用科技造就这些新型“羽毛” 这些面妆,这种朋克风,以及我们定义这个世界的方式 于是我们就做了这个MV。

I'm fascinated with the idea of whathappens when you merge biology with technology, and I remember reading aboutthis idea of being able to reprogram biology, in the future, away from diseaseand aging. 


And I thought about this concept of, imagine if we could reprogramour own body odor, modify and biologically enhance it, and how would thatchange the way that we communicate with each other? Or the way that we attractsexual partners? 

我还想到了另一个点子,想象一下如果我们可以重塑身体的气味,修改它并且从生物性能上增强它,这会怎样影响我们互相交流的方式呢? 又会怎样影响我们寻找炮友的途径呢?

And would we revert back to being more like animals, moreprimal modes of communication? I worked with a synthetic biologist, and Icreated a swallowable perfume, which is a cosmetic pill that you eat and thefragrance comes out through the skin's surface when you perspire. It completelyblows apart the way that perfume is, and provides a whole new format. It'sperfume coming from the inside out. It redefines the role of skin, and ourbodies become an atomizer.

我们会退回到最初,像动物那样用最原始的手段来交流吗? 我曾跟一个合成生物学家共事过,我们创造出了一种可食用的香水,其实就是个能吃的化妆药片,然后当你出汗的时候香味就会从你的肌肤表面散发出来,这彻底颠覆了以前大家对香水的印象。并且提供了一种全新的方式,这种香水从内而外的散发出来,它重新定义了肌肤的功能,并且我们的身体变成了一个香水喷瓶。

I've learned that there's no boundaries,and if I look at the evolution of my work i can see threads and connectionsthat make sense. But when I look towards the future, the next project iscompletely unknown and wide open. I feel like I have all these ideas existingembedded inside of me, and it's these conversations and these experiences thatconnect these ideas, and they kind of instinctively come out.


As a body architect, I've created thislimitless and boundless platform for me to discover whatever I want. And I feellike I've just got started.


So here's to another day at the office.(Laughter) (Applause)


Thank you!Thank you!

谢谢大家! 谢谢啊!

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